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Based in London, Zofia Sharman also referred to as "The Well-Being Recruiter" is an executive agency HR Recruiter and former Talent Acquisition Director for start-up, Europe. She has a BA in Economics, MA in Communications Policy, and is also a certified Mental Health First Aider - over her 15+ years in sales recruiting successfully placing people into jobs and generating revenue, Zofia has in addition developed a depth of understanding with regards to wellbeing & mental healthiness and their essential importance for career progression.

Over the last 12 months since COVID-19

the web search for the word "burnout"

has increased by 24%


(source GLWS)

In a report conducted by Global Leadership Wellbeing Survey (GLWS) the compromise occurring amongst leaders and executives included: -

  • 60% of executives always or usually feel stressed and anxious, “drowning” in the overload and frustration caused by inefficient admin/red-tape requirements

  • 75% feel they are pulled in too many different directions

  • 80%+ feel at risk of burnout


It is in this unprecedented time with COVID-19 that continues into 2021, and also during any economic recessionary period, different approaches and sensitivity are necessarily required with regards to the increasing numbers of people in workplaces today experiencing and trying to cope with varying degrees of ill mental health from uncertainty which can lead to things like anxiety, mood swings, character disorder, overwhelm, depression, exhaustion or burnout. "1 in 4" now suffers from ill mental health though the numbers are far higher than this, in fact, it touches us all as highlighted by Accenture here.


Zofia has supported 100s of clients from graduate to c-suite level, living and recruiting across London, Europe, Singapore, and South East Asia (SEA), developing people’s careers, co-writing their CVs, getting them job-ready and securing the opportunities they deserve. Working mostly across corporate functions of a business (HR, Finance, Marketing, Legal), her clients include start-ups, SMEs, hedge funds, private equity funds, law firms, banks, tech companies, as well as consumer multi-nationals and UK Job Centres with job search support during the Global Financial Crisis of 2008. She’s also built HR communities partnering with HRs on staff wellbeing and how it impacts the workforce and leadership.


Warm-hearted and a natural facilitator in particular for women in their careers, Zofia offers career counsel that’s deeply personal, straight to the point yet all-encompassing of everything there is to consider.           





Zofia began taking classes in Esoteric Yoga, also known as The Yoga of Stillness, 12 years ago, and is now a certified practitioner and presenter. In addition, Zofia works as a full-time Sales Recruiter for HR professionals and over many years has been aware herself of the impact her own quality of being has upon work, productivity, relationships, and enjoying what she does for a living. She now supports others to return to their natural way of harmony within themselves through stillness, for the purpose of work and working with vitality. She writes:


“Esoteric Yoga was not something I enjoyed at all, in fact, I avoided it completely. Despite being successful in my job, the constant speediness in which I went about my work (and life) was really quite exhausting. Although I got a lot done, working with agitation or “healthy stress” as a spur was not productive, motivational, or helpful but in fact, draining and detrimental to my well-being. Esoteric Yoga classes introduce the quality of stillness. Over time and by integrating this quality into my life beyond the class/sessions, the impact the quality had on me was life-changing. The “internal noise” reduced, there was a greater capacity for more work as I had natural energy to complete things; it became less about function or doingness and more about my sense of beingness; I felt clearer, balanced, and inside deeply settled. Living life in connection to quality (specifically stillness) has become a way of livingness and provided a solid way to be, work and relate -

There is nothing that quite compares to working or doing your job and living life from the wisdom of your body and its restorative natural quality known as stillness

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