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A great tool for effective career management:

The effective management of your whole self


Zofia has been amazing in helping me to secure my new job. I have worked with her for many years for career coaching to help me get through certain situations and progress where possible. During a recent job interview process I had two sessions with Zofia which involved interview preparation / coaching and Yoga of Stillness. I had to give a presentation as part of an interview and my fear, anxiety and nausea of public speaking kicked in at a high level.  

My sessions with Zofia helped me to breathe, focus myself and stay calm. I ended up securing the job and on more money in Covid times. I wouldn’t have been able to do it without Zofia! If you experience a high level of anxiety around public speaking then you should definitely have a Yoga of Stillness session with Zofia, it helped me greatly. Thank-you Zofia xx  

Rose, Marketing Executive, London

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